About Heidi Robinson
Heidi Robinson’s healing journey is a story of finding self love. Her main goal in life was to find love, health and happiness. This was a slow burning journey of ups and downs with many lessons learned. It was not until she found Peiec® Energy Medicine at the start of 2020 when her healing became fast-tracked, as she was empowered with simple and highly effective tools to make lasting changes in all areas of her life. One of the most significant changes for her, was simply the way she sees herself. Someone worthy of being heard and someone who has much value to give.
As a qualified Myotherapist with a love of anatomy & physiology, Heidi spent many years treating people in Clinic for their aches and pains, but always saw another side to her client. Their moods, emotions and stresses. These were things she felt she could never really help with, yet knew it was potentially affecting their physical symptoms. She felt limited to the amount of healing she could offer with this modality alone.
In 2010, she became a Bikram Yoga teacher. A style of yoga that deeply resonated with her. Highly structured, simple, safe and inclusive for everyone, no matter how broken one may feel. She saw transformations in her students daily but the biggest of all, was her own. It was a regular, consistent practise of yoga that broke many of her self-sabotaging choices in her life and she found the confidence to want to start respecting herself more. This slow burn of self love opened her enough to find the love of another. Heidi met her husband Toby and they live in Perth with their 3 beautiful boys and Lenny the cat!
Feeling loved, healthy and happy Heidi noticed an increased yearning for a spiritual connection. Turning to religion did not resonate with her and when she read about Anandi Sano and Peiec® Healing, she knew this was it. From this point on, Heidi’s healing has been exponential. Shifting her away from anxiety, fear and the need to control, to a place of calm and inner stillness. She is able to be present with her family and hold space for them when they need support and understanding. The depth of beauty and joy that surrounds her is getting richer and the connections in her life are becoming more meaningful and aligned to her purpose.
Peiec® Energy Medicine has allowed Heidi to connect to the person she was born to be. Releasing the un-truth that was holding her bound and learning to stand in a place of her own truth - where her thoughts, words and actions come from presence and pure connection. It is from this place that healing flows. Heidi feels limitless, abundant and finally able to stand in reverence to Self and Source. She has a deep ‘knowing’ that she is here to heal herself and the work she does on this, will naturally flow out to all around her. A cascade of positive change.
Heidi is currently a Level 1 Peiec® Practitioner and a Level 1 Coach with Peiec® Energy Medicine. She has undertaken training in Peiec® Modules 1 - 5 and has attended many of Anandi Sano’s in-person and online retreats as well as her evening healing events. It has been her commitment to these events and training that Heidi’s personal healing has deepened quickly and effectively. The more she heals, the more she feels comfortable to step into change and opportunity for herself and others. This expansion is exciting as she sees the potential of global healing as more people awaken to the possibility of change within their own lives.
Heidi loves her work as a Peiec® Practitioner and also continues to teach yoga regularly. Her teaching style is shifting to a more creative, intuitive practise that encourages presence and a gentleness to assist the ease and flow of movement. This can be amplified if students wish to go through the Peiec® Module 1 training. They will be able to feel shifts within their own energy throughout their class and can then use the tools they have learnt, to create deeper healing for themselves. Being able to coach and support people through their Peiec® Module 1 training is a huge honour for Heidi and she looks forward to walking alongside those who wish to start their journey, so they too can feel what she feels.

About Heidi Robinson
Heidi Robinson’s healing journey began as a story of finding self-love. Her main goal in life was to find love, health, and happiness. This was a slow-burning journey of ups and downs with many lessons learned. It was not until she found Anandi Sano and her teachings at the start of 2020 that her healing became fast-tracked, as she was empowered with simple and highly effective tools to make lasting changes in all areas of her life. One of the first and most significant changes Heidi had through this work was how she saw herself - someone worthy of being heard and someone with much value to give.
As a qualified Myotherapist with a love of anatomy & physiology, Heidi spent many years treating people in a clinic for their aches and pains but always saw another side to her client. Their moods, emotions, and stresses. These were things she felt she could never really help with, yet believed it was potentially affecting their physical symptoms. She felt limited by the healing she could offer with this modality alone.
In 2010, she became a Bikram Yoga teacher. A style of yoga that deeply resonated with her. Highly structured, simple, safe, and inclusive for everyone, no matter how broken one may feel. She saw transformations in her students daily but the biggest was her own. It was a regular, consistent practice of yoga that broke many of her self-sabotaging choices in her life and she found the confidence to want to start respecting herself more. This slow burn of self-love opened her enough to find the love of another. Heidi met her husband Toby and they live in Perth with their 3 beautiful boys and their cat Lenny!
Feeling loved, healthy, and happy Heidi noticed an increased yearning for a deeper connection to herself, the Universe or something she could not put words to! She read all the books on self-development and spirituality. Turning to religion did not resonate with her either, so when she read about Anandi Sano and the Sano method of Peiec®, she knew this was it. She felt a resonance with the teachings and could feel tangible, beautiful energy within Anandi's work - from her social media posts, podcasts, and YouTube videos... It was like nothing else she had ever experienced before.
From this point on, Heidi’s healing has been exponential. It shifted her away from anxiety, fear, and the need to control, to feeling content, calm, and peaceful. She can be more present with people and hold space for them in conversation or when teaching yoga. The depth of beauty and joy surrounding her is getting richer and the connections in her life are becoming more meaningful and aligned with her purpose.
Healing using the Sano method of Peiec® has allowed Heidi to connect to the person she was born to be. Releasing the un-truth holding her bound and learning to stand in a place of her truth - where her thoughts, words, and actions come from presence and pure connection. Heidi feels limitless, abundant, and finally able to give reverence to Self and Source. She has a deep ‘knowing’ that she is here to heal herself and the work she does on this, will naturally flow out to all around her.
Heidi works 1:1 with clients in person in Scarborough, Perth WA, and online via a video call. She helps people find balance in health, contentment, and purpose. She has undertaken training in Peiec® Modules 1 - 9 through Anandi's Absolute Consciousness Program and is currently completing her Advanced Practitioner Certification. She has attended most of Anandi Sano’s retreats and healing events. Through her commitment to these events and training, Heidi’s healing has deepened quickly and effectively. The more she heals, the more she feels comfortable stepping into change and opportunity. This expansion is exciting as she hopes to assist as many people as possible to find the depth of healing they yearn for.
Heidi loves to work with people ready for healing and change. Ready to step into the beauty of life rather than be stuck in their circumstances. Regular peiec sessions are an invaluable investment at any stage of your healing journey. Heidi provides a safe space to explore the beauty of healing with the Sano method of Peiec®. There is no judgment, minimal talking, and no recounting of stories. It is very different from most talk-based therapies.
Heidi continues to teach yoga regularly. Her teaching is a present, intuitive practice that encourages gentleness and self-awareness to create ease and flow of movement and energy through the body.
One's ability to heal, feel energy within, and connect to self is accelerated by attending any events Anandi Sano offers. Healing happens in her presence. She shares and teaches the wisdom given to her in purity straight from Source, for accelerated healing and growth. Attending Peiec Module 1, Intensives, or joining the Sano Academy is something I highly recommend to anyone ready to expand their consciousness exponentially.
Anandi Sano is the most incredible teacher, guide, and mentor.
Extraordinary things happen in her presence.
Please click here for more details.
What is The Sano Method of Peiec®?
Transform to Inner Stillness
Peiec® (pronounced peak) represents the 5 energetic layers of self - physical, emotional, intellect, energetic & Core. Core is a place we can all access when we are in pure presence, flowing Universal Source energy throughout our energetic layers of self.
Core is our connection to everything and everyone
The Sano Method of Peiec® is a powerful, yet gentle form of healing that releases energetic clusters found within the layers of self, called life moments. These life moments restrict the flow of energy within our energetic layers. When they are triggered and rise up in the layer, they accumulate. Eventually, there is no room in the layers so they push out to our physical vessel, our body - affecting all of the body systems and the mind. This causes illness, pain, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, and disconnect. This is exactly how we live our lives, responding to the activation of these life moments. They affect how we think, act, and speak keeping us stuck in patterns of behaviour and cycling emotions, stopping us from living our true potential.
Through the work of the Sano method, releasing life moments from your energetic layers creates more space, and with more space, it becomes easier to remain in Core and your Source energy can flow freely. Now, how you act, speak, and think comes from the truth of who you are.
Your life begins to transform!
When we are in Core, we are in tune with our inner guidance and intuition. When our energy vibrates at this level, we have a higher state of consciousness where peace, beauty, abundance, clarity, connection, and contentment permeate within us...
The Sano method of Peiec® is a simple and highly effective way to transform your life. It is the fast track to deep healing and raising your consciousness. Peiec® empowers you with the tools to heal without relying on anything external to yourself. At any stage of your healing, you can seek the assistance of a peiec® practitioner or support from the incredible peiec® community.
Heidi is honoured to be able to support you as you heal, grow, and expand your consciousness.
She offers private peiec® sessions in-person or distantly via a video call.
Please book online or text for a session with her today.